Recently we had some potatoes lyin' around our kitchen that needed to be used up, quick! I thought the perfect solution would be a nice potato-leek soup, because I love the savory deliciousness of leeks balanced by a nice hearty potato base.
My favorite way to make vegetable soups is to let the veggies speak for themselves and not dilute their flavor with a lot of cream or cheese, and this recipe is no different. It's aaaall about the natural flavor of the yummy veggies! And it's really simple and quick, to boot.
What you need:
*olive oil
*1 large onion, diced
*1 garlic clove, minced fine
*1 lb potatoes, diced
*3-4 large leeks, sliced
*couple cups vegetable or chicken broth
*salt and pepper to taste
*couple pinches cayenne pepper
*finely chopped parsley
*couple drops of your favorite hot sauce
What you do:
Heat the oil in a pot. Add the onions and sautee. Add the garlic and sautee until fragrant. Add the leeks and cook for a couple minutes, stirring intermittently. Add the potatoes and cook with the occasional stir. When the potatoes begin to brown, add broth to cover. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for at least 30 mins or until soup is at desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste and enjoy. I prefer not to puree, I like my soups chunky :)
If you, like I, like a little kick in your soup, add cayenne pepper liberally to taste. It's also nice with some chopped fresh parsley stirred in, and I always add some hot sauce to my bowl to get some real heat going.
Bon Apppetit!
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